As a non-profit 501(c)(3) Church, our ongoing commitments to our Community, our mission, and our spiritual practices are made possible by the generous donations of our members. To all of these people, we are deeply grateful. This cumulative generosity allows for us to provide a deeply healing, spiritually nourishing and enriching experience where profound personal and communal transformation take place.
It is our most sincere wish that these offerings, these Wisdom traditions, these Medicine paths, this spiritual work, and this inspired Community, will serve to benefit the healing and awakening of all who encounter it. We dedicate the merit of each one of our offerings to the healing and awakening of all sentient beings, including our most beloved Mother Earth.
If you would like to make a donation to Ani Bima Circle, please click on the link below or you may paypal us directly at
For donations of over $250 we can provide you with a donor receipt if you wish to claim this as a charitable deduction. Please note that we do not provide tax advice to our donors and you should consult your own tax advisor concerning deductibility of any charitable donation in your own particular circumstances.